Xintekvideo HD-950M SDI HDSDI color corrector
Xintekvideos Model HD-950M is an all digital Color Corrector
that directly interfaces with HD or SD digital video
and provides the means to color match any video clip to a
wanted color standard. It is most often used to match
video to any display characteristics.
The Model HD-950M provides a wide-range control of
amplitude and pedestal for each primary color, permitting
full balance of highlights as well as low lights. In addition
it has controls for Chroma Gain, Brightness, Contrast,
and Gamma Correction.
The Model HD-950M permits storing into memory 12 correction
pre-sets. Up to 400 pre-sets are optionally available.
Any stored preset can be recalled and used to control
the video processing. It can also be modified, using
the front panel controls, and re-saved into its memory or
into a different memory. Optional remote control is available
via the USB port of any PC.
The most appreciated feature of the Model HD-950M is
its ease of operation due to its individual, simultaneously
operable, independent front panel controls for each function.
No need to go through menus and search for the desired
function. That makes the system extremely users
friendly. Color correction is normally an iterative process
in which 6 to 9 different functions may need to be adjusted
interactively. The HD-950M provides simultaneous
access to all of those functions!
The Model HD-950M will not affect embedded signals in
the video stream as it automatically goes into process bypass
during non video time.
Input: 4:2:2 Serial HD Digital video at 1.485 Gbs
or SD Digital video at 270 Mbs
Unprocessed Output: Equalized and re-clocked input
Optional Input: Analog Component or Composite Video
Processed Output: Two digital video outputs at 1.485 Gbs
or 270 Mbs (as per input)
Optional Output: Analog Component or Composite Video
Optional Remote Control via the USB port of any PC
Processing Accuracy: 10 to 12 bit processing accuracy
Red Pedestal: ±25 IRE
Blue Gain: ± 40%
Blue Pedestal: ± 25 IRE
Green Gain: ± 40%
Green Pedestal: ± 20 IRE
Chroma Gain: ± 50%
Y set-up: ± 12 IRE
Y Gain: ± 30%
Y Gamma: .3, .5, .8, 1.0, 1.3, 1.5, 1.8
Process/Bypass switch
Front Panel or Pre-Set Selection
Pre-set memory selection
Store into memory control
System Delay: 200 nsec. Nominal for HD clock rates
Power Requirement: 100-240v AC, 50/ 60 Hz, 10 Watts
Operating Temperature: 320 F to 1100 F , ambient
Humidity: 10% to 90% non-condensing
Mechanical: 1RU cabinet: 1.75H, 19W, 10L; 6Lbs