Fostex PD-6 DVD Location Recorder
Recording and playback to and from industry standard DVD-RAM media
BWF recording file format (interleave 1 file mode) in either 2, 4, 5 & 6 track modes along with simultaneous two file recording modes of 1+5 and 2+4 tracks for guide track audio
Fostex Verify/Write feature constantly examines data being recorded to DVD-RAM
UDF (Universal Disc Format) on DVD-RAM allows discs to be mounted & read instantly on both PC and Mac platforms
On-board timecode generator with +/-1ppm accuracy and built-in backup offers all frame rates including 23.976 and 29.97+ drop and pull-up/down. Generator can be 24H, Rec Run, Free Run or external complete with jam, while output can be repro or generator derived
Avid compatibility. BWF files recorded on the PD-6 can be imported directly into Avid Film Composer2 along with information about Scene, Take, Reel Number, Event, etc. being transported and read from the files Metadata. The Metadata area is user-editable for future expansion
Circle Take with dedicated key, to mark files/takes for easy identification leading to quick imports referenced in the EDL
Up to 100 cue points per file/take
Alpha numeric keypad for quick file/take & track naming, EDL manipulation, location, etc.
EDL management built-in to create & edit multiple ALE (Avid Log Exchange) compatible edit decision lists per DVD-RAM.
IEEE1394 (FireWire) interface for fast mirror and restore. When interfaced to a PC, PD-6 DVD-RAM discs can be mounted on desktop
USB port for keyboard connection (utilise keyboard shortcuts, easy data entry etc.)
Pre Record enables PD-6 to constantly buffer up to 10 secs of audio (no more missed takes)
128 x 64 low power consumption back-lit dot matrix display offers various modes including alternative level meter resolution indication modes
Auxiliary bus input/output provides for remote camera working and monitoring (e.g. HD cam) with switchable output between +4dBu, -10dBu and -60dBu to cater for most camera manufacturers requirements. Provided on industry standard 10-pin Hirose connector
Two auxiliary 12volt outputs on industry standard Hirose 4-pin connectors provide power for radio mic receivers, etc. to allow for truly self-contained operation on location
Optional* 1.8 40GB Hard Drive (Model 9056) allows for Dual Disk Recording (Mirroring) as well as Auto Backup functions
Manual Copy is also available whiere a file or a whole partition (disk) can be copied between a partition and DVD-RAM, or two partitions in the HD at any time
Future software developments and updates via DVD-RAM cartridge and downloadable via PC from the dedicated web site:
Flexible monitoring through headphones and/or built in speaker & amplifier. All track combinations can be monitored post-disc either individually, in summed mono or stereo modes. MS monitoring as standard. Aux return and stereo bus live monitoring is provided plus individual channel PFL. All accessed through just two rotary and one toggle switch
Slate microphone and tone generator on-board
Digital I/O software selectable between AES/EBU or S/PDIF with auto and manual input sensing, switchable in pairs: 1+2, 3+4 and 5+6
NP-1 type battery provides an estimated 2 hours of operation
External Word & Video sync inputs (auto selection) and Word Output plus parallel remote connector
Optional AATON connector (model ATC-4) complies with ASCII & LTC I/O specifications for external loggers, timecode synchronisers, etc.
Automated file/take naming routine speeds set-up time between takes complying to US and Euro standards. Individual track naming rolls through to next file/take until changed by user, if required
Comprehensive software selectable UBIT output format combinations including Scene, Take, Event no. etc.
Proprietory expansion connector to allow PD-6 to dock with the EX-12, rack-mounting full-size DVD-RAM & power supply unit for extended recording time on location
Many express modes of operation via assigning F key Macros, additional screen monitoring displays and user requested U-Bit data and display modes.